Condit Exhibits Design Team

Client Spotlight: Speck Products Custom Exhibit at CES 2014, Las Vegas

Speck Products, a longtime partner with Condit and the leader in protective cases for gadgets, attended CES 2014 with a new marketing focus and custom exhibit. Speck strives to create perfectly-fitting, insanely-styling protective cases for iPhone, MacBook, iPad and other gadgets you can’t believe you ever lived without.

At CES, Speck introduced a new marketing campaign based on the slogan, “Long Live the Machines” or #LLTM. Speck Products launched the campaign with the Brooklyn Nets in November to promote the hash tag #LLTM.  The idea articulated by the campaign is that Speck would not be around if it weren’t for the machines (iPhones, iPods, Smartphones, tablets, etc.).

The exhibit’s design and goal for CES 2014 was to demonstrate to visitors the importance of machines and Speck’s role in protecting them.  The completed exhibit mimicked construction scaffolding, graffiti, and wild postings. Once again, Condit worked with Etzel Agency for the experiential marketing portion of CES.  Etzel hired “Glitch” from So You Think You Can Dance, who used his robotic moves to highlight how Speck cases are dependably protective when dropped.

Condit worked with Speck to revise the layout of the Speck 40×50 exhibit from CES 2013. The 2014 booth provides three large conference rooms, a VIP area, and additional open space to help with the selling process.  The additional room was titled the “iLounge.” The iLounge exhibit was the “activation” area for visitors to receive a stamp, which was redeemable for a Speck case at the main 40×50 exhibit.  In addition to a stamp, visitors were asked to write something about Speck and why the cases were unique compared to the competition on the interior walls.  From the quotes on the walls, Speck then entered the visitor’s name into a drawing for a special bonus pack of Speck products. This engagement drove visitors from the North Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center to the South Hall where the main 40×50 double-deck exhibit was located.

With increased booth attendance and engagement, CES 2014 was a great success and we look forward to working with Speck for CES 2015!

For more information on custom trade show exhibits, exhibit technology, or large-scale event structures, please contact us.

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