Condit Exhibits Design Team

CES 2016 Survival Guide

The Consumer Electronics Show, or CES is the largest annual technology industry trade show that the U.S. has to boast. The show attracts thousands of the world’s top business leaders and technology companies, and over 100K attendees. CES is where the most important inventions and tech products debut – from robotics and cars to drones, 3D printers and much, much more.

The show and the products featured each year are about as mind-blowing as how CES takes over Las Vegas. If you’ve ever attended you know just how much more hectic this city and its convention centers become during this week every January. For this we’ve compiled a list of tips, tricks, and lifesavers to act as your CES survival guide.

  • With the infiltration of so many people, and thus cell phones, service at the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC) can get spotty. It’s best to rely on texts, or better yet, messaging apps like WhatsApp to communicate with co-workers.
  • If you are exhibiting, consider catering in lunch from an outside source. It will be a lot less of a hassle than eating at the LVCC.
  • Find a badge pickup and registration station in a place most convenient to you. They’ll be in many of the major hotels and Airport terminals.
  • You’ve heard it before, but this is the show where you’ll walk even greater distances than most – wear comfortable shoes!
  • Staying energized can mean staying hydrated. To save a few bucks, buy water at a pharmacy rather than at the LVCC concessions. Add an extra boost with electrolyte tablets or Emergen-C packs.
  • If you’ll be dependent on Wi-Fi then you should rely on supplying it yourself. Bring or get a personal hotspot device. If all else fails, a good bet is to hang around one of the pressrooms to pick up their network.
  • Speaking of Wi-Fi, it will drain your phone’s battery life – bring your charger or external battery pack.
  • You’re going to score some major swag, and at this show you’re more likely to get some worthy goods. If your suitcase is already brimming, you can find shipping services throughout the convention centers to easily mail home your swag bags.

Check out our client booths at CES!

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