Condit Exhibits Design Team

Trade Show Exhibit Games

One of the main goals of an exhibit is to attract attendees. Implementing a trade show game is one way you can attract people. The use of games helps you stand out from the information overload and generate a buzz throughout the show floor. Games can be tied to an educational objective or simply included to attract people to have conversations.

A game should reinforce your marketing message and can be lead by hired talent that has the ability to make the game fun while talking about your product.

Games can be low tech (board game or spin the wheel) to high tech (touch screens and mobile enabled)

A few ideas to consider:

Wheel of skill:
This can be a game where they have to throw a ball or bean bag through a hole in a spinning wheel.
The wheel has messaging about your products and services.

Touch screen:
Games that require the user to remember a product image with a name and match them up with each other is one way to include yoru product with memorization techniques. Using a touch screen you can enable lead management where the user enters their information to play the game. During the day all of the scores can be viewed. Even connecting this through text messaging allows the users to get a text when someone outscores them which drives them back to the booth.

Guessing Games:
Having something unique about yoru product.
Guess the amount of recycled plastic?
Guess the number of ball bearings?
Guess the total fluid pressure?

Should be well branded. Consider putting a QR Code / web url to drive them online to learn more about you.
The prizes should have a strong call to action.

Train your booth staff on how to use the game along with the goals and objectives.
How many leads do you want daily?
Who is in charge of the game, prizes and lead management?

Games and themes work well together as it creates a memorable experience. The idea of a game is to help connect play and emotion together. When we do something with our hands and our minds we remember those experiences more often.

Include a post show follow up that ties your product into the game. I have seen emails go out that have a link to an online game that allows the users to keep playing and learning more about your game. This post show follow up could be a picture of the attendee playing the game.

Including games into your trade show exhibit will make it memorable to the visitors but also fun and motivating for your booth staff.

Check with Condit to learn what game and theme may work well with you.

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