Condit Exhibits Design Team

What to Expect at your First Trade Show

Think exhibiting at a trade show is easy business? Think again, this stuff is hard work! If you’re new to trade shows, trust us, there’s a few insider tips you need to remember before exhibiting at your first show.

  • The showhall is completely chaotic during install! And don’t worry about finding a trashcan…any aisle will do!

  • Be prepared with comfortable shoes (read: NO HEELS!) and lots of water.

  • Everything costs $$. You’ll pay a premium for last minute additions.

  • Bring an emergency supply kit…scissors, tape, paperclips, stapler, box cutter, screw driver, bandaids, Tylenol…seriously.

  • Don’t be afraid to talk to everyone…they’re at the show for a reason!

  • If your exhibit house has pre-arranged for outbound transportation, don’t forget to complete the material handling form at the end of dismantle and submit to the show service desk. Otherwise, your freight will be forced and you’ll pay a pretty penny!

  • Create a show kit with copies of your booth renderings, set-up instructions, master inventory, show service orders, shipping information and important contacts…it will come in handy!

Print out this handy guide and distribute to your team at least a week before your first show — we guarantee if you follow these easy steps, you’ll have a much less stressful show!


Have questions about any of the information above? Give us a ring or shoot us an email, we are always happy to help: +1.800.541.6308 or email



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